
Information on this web site was first uploaded to the internet in December 2011.

We run an affiliate programme with Jeremy Bamber who manages his own official campaign through a third party network of friends. This site has been put together using academic methodologies where appropriate to build an accurate picture of this tragic and historical case.

The unique qualities of the White House Farm tragedy make it one of the most fascinating miscarriages of justice of the modern age. Case documents show police corruption at its worst and distressed relatives in disbelief at the tragedy.

At the heart of the case is a man, not involved in the killings at all, but who has paid the price of mass media hysteria, homophobia and 1980’s social rejection of the seriousness of mental health issues among young mothers.

Caught in a labyrinth of financial beneficiaries who were anxious for the fruits of the Bamber the estate, Jeremy Bamber is the face of a middle class educated man who had everything and lost it at the hands of a justice system in place to protect him as a victim of crime.

Jeremy Bamber will fight for freedom until he dies and his friends will fight to clear his name until they too pass away. His wrongful imprisonment will not be in vain it will change the face of British Justice forever. His name will be remembered for centuries in books and films, his case studied by law students for many years.

S, Peackock and S, Dutch


Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage; If I have freedom in my love, And in my soul am free, Angels alone that soar above, Enjoy such liberty.

Richard Lovelace (1618–1657)